November 04, 2014

Then I believe the strongest love bound is called a family.

When you went somewhere far, and left all things you had got before, like your family, you would feel something like hundred times more than just sad. It was horrible. I can't even think the right adjective to describe it. You lost something you knew you couldn't replace. 

The flashbacks were the worst. Memories came back and smashed you over and over again. Everything was reminded you of them. You began to replay how the last time you met them. You began to wonder if they missed you the way you did. You began to think how was home, what did they do at the time, what will it be if you were there.... This was the phase when you wanted to come back, be there, be loved...

It felt so good at first that you no longer trapped or over ruled but that was a sad thing too, to know that those times full of worries and rules are over. No one would sincerely care. No one would be angry when you went home late, or you did something wrong, the way your mom and dad did. You simply knew that they did that the whole time because they loved you. They always love you. You would appreciate the presence of them in your life because of absence by distance. 

Then there came a moment in your life when you realized you couldn't really go back. You were such an egoist bitch. You left them. You said you want to chase your dreams. You left because you said the time had come, to live alone, to figure out life. But yes, I found a good side, too. I learned how to live, to survive, I learned how to manage life. I learned things, a lot of things.

But in the end you'll realize that family made you who you are today and make who you'll become someday. Home will be the best place for your heart to come back, where your heart is truly belong. No matter what happened family will be there for you, guide you and enlightening you. Forever. As long as you live.

Then I believe the strongest love bound is called a family.

September 02, 2014

(No title needed)

Belajar di kelas bareng.
Gosip bareng.
Random chat di Line bareng.
Ledekan super kejam bareng.
Latihan ensemble bareng.
Ngomporin orang bareng.
Makan bekel bareng.
Mie ayam Pak Yoyo bareng.
Nyalin PR bareng.
Ngobrol ngalor ngidul sampe sore bareng.
Selfie nggak jelas bareng.
Nyupporterin Smanti League yg pecah banget bareng.
Nyetel lagu di speaker sore-sore bareng.
Nonton film bareng.
Gabut bareng.
Nge-copy film bareng.
There comes a time in your life when you completely realize kalo emang yg kaya gitu ga bakal pernah keulang. Ga akan ada lagi.
There comes a moment, disaat tugas kuliah ga habis-habis tiap hari, lu bakal kangen sama all that "bareng-bareng" things.
There comes a pause, when you realize that they all simply mean in your memory back then.
There comes a thought, when you realize they helped you shape yourself until you become someone who you are today.
Then, there comes a time when you realize you simply miss them much. Pretty much.
I used to spend most of the day with them.
Then feels like everything's just vanished.

August 13, 2014

Sometimes letting something go is a beautiful thing that ever happened in your life

“Kecewa nggak sih, impian ITB-nya harus kandas?”

Saya menulis ini karena saya lagi writer block buat nulis essay tugas ospek. And I don’t really have something to do so....yea. Here we go.

I always have dreams, until I become unaware of how high my dreams are. Someone told me there’s no mimpi ketinggian or something, but when you try to be more a realist, then they become clearer. You can’t reach them all. Or maybe you can, but God don’t let you be. I want to study in UK, or Germany, or maybe Norway.  I want to get to ITB. I want to work for NASA. I want this, I want that.
I had a dream, once. I honestly don’t remember the exact time when it started, I think it was around 2010 when I was a junior high school-er. I tried to forget UK and really into ITB (as my future college). I said that to everyone, here and there, that I want to go to ITB. Maybe I didn’t really know what I was facing that time, but I was young and stupid (this is a wrong adjective actually but I can’t think something else) so then I carried that dream everyday in my life.

Until then there was a night that made me thinking about how sometimes dreams were not parallel with the real future. Because of some reasons I had in my head (that I thought that was the most realistic), I think I don’t want to discuss it here but you can ask me personally, I (try to) let ITB go. I (try to) let my dream go.  I cried that night. It was sad. I let something I always want go. I asked someone for advice and he said, “...ya emang karena kita udah disiapin jalan masing-masing yang emang terbaik buat kita, kalo emg di’suruh’ masuk ITB jg pasti ada jalannya kok...”

Then I chose UGM instead of ITB in SNMPTN (even I knew it was a gamble too). I knew God had plan. Later I know ITB wasn’t  his plan for me. And here I am right now, ngerjain tugas ospek UGM ;;)
Am I dissapointed?

I’m a bit dissapointed that I never try. Ngeliat teman-teman struggle jatuh bangun, ngerasain gagal, I envy them for that. Jalan saya memang lumayan mulus, dan saya bersyukur untuk itu, but believe me nothing teach you the most but a bitter experience. Saya pengen berjuang untuk ITB, ikut SBMPTN, tapi kemudian saya beryukur dengan apa yg saya dapat, yang Tuhan kasih. I don’t want to force God because I never can. Saya ditakdirkan disini dan saya bersyukur. Kalau ga jadi kuliah di ITB nya sih saya nggak kecewa, karena saya tau bukan saya yg buat jalan saya sendiri. Saya tidak menyesal pernah mimpi ke ITB, dan berkoar-koar ke orang-orang, karena mimpi itu yg nganter saya sekarang bisa ke UGM.
We obviously can dream but we can’t always be what we’re dreaming of.

August 12, 2014

PPSMB, Pentingkah?

Pertama kali saya dinyatakan diterima oleh UGM lewat jalur SNMPTN, tentunya saya sangat senang bisa diterima di kampus terbaik bangsa. Saya kemudian mulai membayangkan kehidupan kampus yang kelihatannya sangat menyenangkan ketika saya masih SMA. Tidak ada lagi seragam, tidak lagi ada ulangan, tugas, remedial, tidak ada lagi upacara bendera, dan lebih bebas melakukan apa saja. Intinya sesuatu yang lebih menyenangkan.
Tentu mungkin bagi kakak tingkat khayalan tersebut sesungguhnya tidak akan pernah terwujud. Kakak kelas saya kemudian bercerita banyak hal tentang tugas-tugas  yang tidak ada habisnya, kegiatan ini, kegiatan itu. Pokoknya kuliah itu melelahkan dan penuh perjuangan, dan tidak semenyenangkan harapan para mahasiswa baru, apalagi seperti di FTV. Perjuangan di kampus seharusnya sudah di kenalkan sejak dini kepada mahasiswa baru seperti saya.
Kemudian saya dikenalkan dengan PPSMB, atau nama lain dari ospek di UGM. Awalnya saya apatis dan menganggap enteng, tidak terlalu penting. Paling hanya seperti MOS di SMA yang isinya marah-marahan drama. MOS menurut saya tidak terlalu berpengaruh untuk kehidupan saya selanjutnya di sekolah. Padahal MOS memiliki kepanjangan Masa Orientasi Siswa yang mestinya memfasilitasi siswa untuk dapat berorientasi dengan kehidupan di se
kolah tersebut. Bukannya malah membebani siswa dengan sesuatu yang sebenarnya tidak perlu.
Menurut saya masa orientasi di suatu lembaga pendidikan sangatlah penting dan krusial. Disanalah kita dapat menilai sejauh mana kredibilitas sekolah tersebut. Kebanyakan sekolah ecek-ecek akan mengadakan MOS atau Ospek yang ecek-ecek pula. Penuh kekerasan, baik fisik maupun mental, dan senioritas. Masa orientasi ialah masa pengenalan. Apabila siswa atau mahasiswanya dikenalkan dengan kekerasan di awal, bagaimana masa depan para siswa atau mahasiswa nantinya? Bagaimana masa depan sekolah tersebut? Bagaimana nanti nasib bangsa kedepan dan bahkan peradaban dunia di kemudian hari apabila sekolah diisi dengan kekerasan? Bukankah lebih baik bila masa orientasi menjadi hal yang menyenangkan dan ditunggu-tunggu siswa atau mahasiswanya? Masa orientasi diisi dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan bermanfaat, baik bagi siswa itu sendiri maupun lingkungannya.
Dan begitulah kira-kira harapan saya akan PPSMB Palapa UGM. Penuh manfaat bagi semua, dan menyenangkan. Karena suatu lembaga pendidikan dapat dinilai dari kualitas masa orientasinya, dan saya yakin UGM merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang sangat baik, kredibel, dan bermoral.  Saya berharap mendapatkan banyak pengalaman dan teman baru pada kegiatan ini.
Jadi apabila ada yang bertanya pada saya pentingkah PPSMB, saya tentunya akan menjawab penting, selama PPSMB dilaksanakan dengan baik dan sesuai aturan, serta tidak melanggar kaidah dan moral yang berlaku.

July 15, 2014

Have I Been Trapped the Whole Time?

Feels like life has been a trap this whole time.
And lying.
And torturing.
Because right and wrong doesn't even exist.
Dos and don'ts always look blurry and surreal.
Who are we?
What is life?
Where are You?
Help me.
I'm lost.
You mislead me all this time?
Oh God forgive me.

June 15, 2014

I just don't know what to write.
I'm just here, sit, listen, think...
I backsound this moment with O by Coldplay.
"Fly on, ride through..."
Then here I go again, doing nothing but deep, deep, inside I feel something I can't even describe.
I don't hate you, you, or you, or my life.
I don't.
I don't?
I just don't know what you, you, or you, or my life, are.
Then I believe "not knowing" is the most dangerous thing.