February 20, 2012


Aku menutup mataku
Menembus relung-relung waktu
Aku yang dingin dibekukan waktu; diselimuti air hangat pesonamu
Yang tidak pernah berubah, tidak akan pernah.
Mengapa aku kembali?

Kau tertawa renyah diujung sana,
Yang terdengar seperti detak-detak bom waktu.
Tersimpan dalam saku bajuku.
Aku takut mati
Aku pasti akan mati

Beberapa bulan yang menjadi detik.
Tik, tik, tik, dan kemudian berhenti.
Berhenti seakan tidak pernah terjadi apa-apa.
Seakan kita tidak pernah ada.
Waktu memang kejam, bukan?

Berpura-puralah untuk tidak pernah tau apa-apa,
Dan tersenyum manis seperti anak kecil berkepang di taman bermain.
Jangan pernah kembali lagi,
Jangan pernah.

February 20, 2012

February 18, 2012

February 12, 2012


It's like I wait for you to rescue me.
I'm waiting in this silent, alone.
But you never come back. 

I'm nearly aimless, without the lights you gave.
I just want to ask you one question in my whole life, "why?"
Why you put me in this feeling? 

This shit makes me look so melancholy,
So disgusting.
It makes me look like I'm your love beggar. 
even if it's true.

February 05, 2012


I feel so desperate. I can't, I really cannot do it. Sometimes I'm just thinking, "God, why you put me in this disgusting situation? I cannot do it, too hard, and its definitely unfair..." 
Life's hard, dude.

I know exactly, God is fair. There's a valuable thing we can take dan learn, always. But, in this time, I have not found the fairness yet. Not yet.

February 01, 2012

Am I lost?

The time is running, ruining my life.
If I closed my eyes, desperately, then the time will stops breathe me. Stop breathe my heart, and fill my lungs.
Am I lost?
I walk in a tunnel, without the light at the end of it. So blind.
Once again, am I lost? Or maybe I'm just dreaming?

My tears hang up on my eye. Froze.
Chills my cheek, disintegrate my iris.
Can you feel exactly the way I feel?

You make this decision so I have to obey it;
You ask me to glue my heart's story sheets with my own tears.
It hurts me.