February 24, 2013

Sunday 2/4/2013 11:38 AM

Yesterday was my another very disgusting day. Yak, I cried over something I shouldn't. Nggak tau kenapa, tapi kalo udah ngomongin masalah "itu" tuh rasanya air mata udah gak bisa kebendung, sekalipun sama kantong mata hasil begadang berbulan-bulan gini.

I actually hate this situation. These disputes are so terrible, because I am your daughter. To obey you is my obligation. And now, all I want from you is, please, understand me. It's an irony when I laughed at my powerlessness to refute you, hmm, sebagai seorang anak emang harus begitu kan? Diem aja, nurut, kalem, sama sekali nggak dikasih kesempatan buat ngomong juga gak papa kok. Ya kan?

I obviously know I'm still under your responsibility but yet I'm not your five years little girl anymore. I know you both have so much more experiences than me, but how I can grow up with this? Sometimes I just want to be free to decide what I really want. I wanna be independent, and see another side of life alone.
I love you more than the words I can say and I just want you to know that.


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