Belajar di kelas bareng.
Gosip bareng.
Random chat di Line bareng.
Ledekan super kejam bareng.
Latihan ensemble bareng.
Ngomporin orang bareng.
Makan bekel bareng.
Mie ayam Pak Yoyo bareng.
Nyalin PR bareng.
Ngobrol ngalor ngidul sampe sore bareng.
Selfie nggak jelas bareng.
Nyupporterin Smanti League yg pecah banget bareng.
Nyetel lagu di speaker sore-sore bareng.
Nonton film bareng.
Gabut bareng.
Nge-copy film bareng.
There comes a time in your life when you completely realize kalo emang yg kaya gitu ga bakal pernah keulang. Ga akan ada lagi.
There comes a moment, disaat tugas kuliah ga habis-habis tiap hari, lu bakal kangen sama all that "bareng-bareng" things.
There comes a pause, when you realize that they all simply mean in your memory back then.
There comes a thought, when you realize they helped you shape yourself until you become someone who you are today.
Then, there comes a time when you realize you simply miss them much. Pretty much.
I used to spend most of the day with them.
Then feels like everything's just vanished.
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