September 28, 2012

Future is comiiiiiing!

If there were 9999 reasons to quit, and give up, I know there was only one reason to stay and keep fighting this life. Chase our dreams. End the past. Stand up and smile. Take a very deep breath and go on.

By the way, the time flies so fast, doesn't it? It feels like yesterday I was still in the elementary, with my red skirt and my colorful socks. But in fact, in the next year I'll be 12 grader and soon I'll be in college. Whoa! The future is coming!

Always, I'm wondering how will I look like when I'm 30, have a son and daughter, and share all the happiness with "my" family. Who will be my husband, where will I live, hahahahahahahaha. But yap, only God knows. Let's wait and see;)

September 27, 2012

You actually trick your own life, guys.

Life isn't fair. Yap, because that's all I've ever known. Like I've said, thousand times.
I studied as hard as I can. Stayed up all night. Read read read and practise practise practise. I won't forgive myself if I didn't do my best, at least I've tried. Make a black mark under my eyes. But they? Just keep calm, grab a phone, Googling, texting, bbm, and something disgusting like that. Or in France, you do open dictionary. I'm just watching in my silence.
Maybe you'll say, "I did everything you did. That efforts."
Yes, you did, maybe. But why still you do that fucking dirty trick? You waste your knowledges, your intellegences. You swap your morality with a surreal and useless PERFECT SCORE. Okay, you got that score, so what? It doesn't mean a thing.

I'm a human, so are you. We're not perfect, I know. But I don't do that trick. Never. Okay, sometimes, I ask my behind friend or being asked with her. But just to check our step or our answer if there was a mistake. Not ask the answer. If our answer was different, it's okay. I don't change my answer if I was sure with mine.

"Yah sekarang mah pada ngejarnya nilai sih," -farah

September 16, 2012


 I just downloaded this application from Google Play in my phone. Yap, Memoires. Now I finally found something I can tell and I can write, freely. No worry. Save. Keep in secret. It even has a password! I always try to write everything before sleep at night. There's no galau in this blog, anymore, I hope.

September 07, 2012

A Blackhole?

I'm shining, you're glowing.
Yes, in a different way.
I used to be that shining, but not anymore.

Maybe now I'm just a blackhole in your prespective.
Invisible and seems not real.
If so, I'm telling you, blackhole has a hidden super power.
You haven't realise it, have you?

September 06, 2012

I miss you all, Facetious X-8 2011-2012!

Ya, mumpung libur nih. Pas iseng iseng ngeliatin meja belajar, tadinya sih niat pengen ngerapihin eh nemu kotak bening isinya DVD, yakkk pemirsa.... Dvd sepuluh delapan! Akhirnya punya waktu buat nonton ini lagi:)
Kangen banget sama kalian semua. Emang sih masih bisa ketemu setiap hari, tapi rasanya beda. Suasananya beda. Dan kita gak dalam satu ruangan yang sama, itu dia yang bikin atmosfernya beda dan unforgettable. Alaynya, koplaknya, doyotnya, sedih&curhatnya, semuanya. Such a beautiful year with you all. Yes, the things change but memories last forever.